"Mothering Sunday" OST Set For Release
Morgan’s score for “Mothering Sunday” is set for release Wednesday November 15th, 2021. Pre-sale link is HERE - available on all major streaming platforms.
Morgan’s score for “Mothering Sunday” is set for release Wednesday November 15th, 2021. Pre-sale link is HERE - available on all major streaming platforms.
“Mothering Sunday” premiered in the U.K. to wide critical acclaim on November 12th. To read about the reception head to the press page!
'“Mothering Sunday” premieres at Cannes Film Festival 2021.
The full soundtrack to “Grand Army” will be released through Netflix on all digital platforms. Morgan’s Spotify profile is HERE
“Grand Army” is set to premiere October 16th on Netflix. Kibby’s original score for the series is also set to be released the same day on all digital platforms. Watch teaser trailer HERE
SHLR team is thrilled to invite you to join the live virtual worldwide premiere and subsequent Q+A this coming Monday. Tickets available HERE
The film will be immediately followed by a live 45 min Q&A session with the stars & director.
Released: 2020 – Rating: NR – Duration: 97 minutes
Please visit link for ticket purchase and info!
It’s been a moment since Morgan has released new solo material under her moniker White Sea, however this coming Friday she is set to release her first new single “Fake Cry”.
Lady Gaga’s 6th album “Chromatica” is set for release this coming Friday the 29th! Morgan is so thrilled to have co-written / co-produced the orchestral pieces on the record with Lady G. and cannot wait for people to hear this pop masterpiece. Exec produced by the brilliant Bloodpop.
Available Friday on all digital platforms including Spotify Apple Music etc.
Joshua Safran’s new series “Soundtrack” premieres on Netflix! co-scored with Andrew McMahon and James Levine.
The CW premiere of new show “Two Sentence Horror Stories” has arrived! Kibby rejoins as composer for show runner Vera Miao on 8 episodes of this Season 2 thriller.
Natalie Shirinian’s new doc “Interior Motives”, and exploration of the interaction between fashion and interior design featuring such powerhouses and Tommy Hilfiger, Lyndsey Edelman and Tabula Rasa to name a few, is set to premiere at the IFS film festival in Los Angeles. Please join us for this incredible film!
Link to purchase tickets HERE
After an incredible premiere and four wonderful screenings, director Ani Simon Kennedy’s script for Short History of the Long Road won a jury mention for best screenplay at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival. Congrats to this amazing woman!
Interior Motives wins best short documentary short at IFS Film festival!
Ani Simon Kennedy’s “The Short History of the Long Road” is set to premiere at Tribeca’s 2019 festival. Tickets and exact dates of screenings will be announced soon!
Into the Dark’s 6th installment, “Treehouse”, premieres on Hulu.
“The Human Element” premieres on Amazon this month.
The original soundtrack for Eva Husson’s “Girls of the Sun” is now available to listen to on Spotify HERE
GOTS travles to Toronto where it will screen during the festival and follow with a Q+A with director.
The Human Element by Matthew Testa, co-scored by Morgan Kibby and Jeff Russo screens at the Woods How Film Festival in Massachusetts.
Renowned photographer James Balog (CHASING ICE) uses his camera to reveal how environmental change is affecting the lives of everyday Americans. Following the four classical elements— air, earth, fire and water— to frame his journey, Balog explores wildfires, hurricanes, sea level rise, coal mining, and the changes in the air we breathe. With compassion and heart, THE HUMAN ELEMENT tells an urgent story while giving inspiration for a more balanced relationship between humanity and nature.
Morgan's recently completed score for Eva Husson's "Girls of the Sun" (Les Filles du Soleil) will premiere in the official competition for the Palme D'Or at Cannes in 2018.
This is Eva and Morgan's second film together and marks their biggest endeavor to date. Screening date TBA.
Morgan contributed the original end title song "Master of Myself" to this heartbreaking documentary that will premiere at Tribeca this coming April.
There are 6 screenings of this documentary which can be purchased HERE
The Human Element by Matthew Testa, co-scored by Morgan Kibby and Jeff Russo, premieres at the San Francisco International Film Festival.
Renowned photographer James Balog (CHASING ICE) uses his camera to reveal how environmental change is affecting the lives of everyday Americans. Following the four classical elements— air, earth, fire and water— to frame his journey, Balog explores wildfires, hurricanes, sea level rise, coal mining, and the changes in the air we breathe. With compassion and heart, THE HUMAN ELEMENT tells an urgent story while giving inspiration for a more balanced relationship between humanity and nature.
The newest film by Oscar nominated director David Darg, "Fear Us Women" is set to premiere on go90!
The incredible story follows Hanna Bohman, a Canadian civilian turned sniper in the fight against ISIS. #FearUsWomen
VI: FAMILY will feature original works by 21 Los Angeles-based composers and special guests exploring the theme of "Family." Each evening, 7 different composers will present or perform original works simultaneously in 7 rooms of the house for (mostly) unamplified instruments of their choosing. During each show, guests will be free to explore the rooms inside the estate and discover the various performances as the evening unfolds.
I am thrilled to participate as a guest composer this year for the next Echo Society Show. A bit on my piece below.
“Family for most, will never strictly be about blood. As a touring musician for most of my 20s, family became the raw intimacy of strangers I connected with on and off stage, and most importantly the musicians I shared pain, milestones and a bus with for months, if not years at a time. The people I’ve made music with over the last decade and a half have become, to some strange degree, symbolic, iconic in my memory of where and who I was when we were making art together. The opportunity to play with the men and women of the Echo Society is a clear new chapter in this idea of evolving family. And so my piece is reflective of extreme intimacy and the dangers of distance, inescapable familial archetypes, and most of all, how humbled I am in the face of the tenderness one feels towards those they love. When thinking of how to perform this piece, it was obvious: I am lucky enough to play with musicians, family, that have graced my life through the last decade with their talent and their brother and sisterhood, because ultimately this piece is about them.”
"Guilt Trip" is one of 5 pieces from the short episodic series "Two Sentence Horror Stories", premiering in 2017 via Warner Brother's new digital platform.
"MA" is one of 5 episodes from the short episodic series "Two Sentence Horror Stories", premiering in 2017 via Warner Brother's new digital platform.